Email your MP: change the law to end prostitution and sex trafficking in England and Wales

Prostitution and sex trafficking are currently widespread in England and Wales. That is because our laws fail to discourage the demand from sex buyers that drives prostitution and sex trafficking - and allow ruthless pimping websites to facilitate and profit from this abuse. Meanwhile, women who are exploited in the sex trade are criminalised for their own abuse.

To stop traffickers and pimps sexually exploiting people for profit, we have to end the demand from those who buy sex and send a clear message that people are not for sale. The government must implement a progressive legal model in England and Wales which protects people in prostitution and criminalises those who exploit them.

Will you write to your MP now and ask them to support changing the law to end prostitution and sex trafficking in England and Wales?

Please note, this campaign relates to England and Wales only as it is a devolved matter. If you live in Scotland, please write to your MSPs and ask them to back this law change in Scotland via A Model For Scotland's website.